
Top 12 ExtraTorrent Alternatives [Safe & Working]

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ExtraTorrent was a very popular digital content index that offered full BitTorrent support, not to mention people could easily handle torrent files and magnet links on the site. But since the site shut down in 2017, there have been many clones popping up all around the online world.

There are plenty of useful ExtraTorrent alternatives for you to watch for today. You’ll also find a few mirror sites out there that are essentially designed as alternatives to ExtraTorrent and would provide a consistent connection and setup.


Important Notes

  • All of these ExtraTorrent alternatives are functional and active as of January 2020.
  • It is recommended that you use a VPN connection when using any of these ExtraTorrent alternatives or mirror sites. Some of these sites may be blocked in your country, although a VPN can help you get beyond any of these potential blocks.
  • Some of these websites may not be safe for use in some environments, as some places include advertisements featuring sexual content. These include advertisements with extremely explicit content, whether it is live-action or anime-based.

A Look At the Best Alternatives Now

1. The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay remains the top option for finding torrents. The site promotes itself as one of the top choices for torrents, thanks to the site highlighting a larger variety of torrents for people to find.

The simplicity of the Pirate Bay’s search feature is a key part of what makes the site special. You can search for specific types of content in moments, not to mention you can find information on the top-rated torrents around. You can also look at the listing of the most recent torrents that are available online.

  • Lightweight and easy to load
  • Provides clear results for every search
  • Does not include as many advertisements

2. Rarbg

You can find many new torrents on The site includes many categories for downloads, where you can find details on what’s available. There’s also a full blog on the site that provides news and reviews of the hottest new things in entertainment. You can also get additional descriptions of specific things you download.

  • Includes a separate section for adult-oriented downloads
  • Features indexes based on the most recent releases
  • Features a software section

3. 1337x

1337x is one of the oldest torrent sites around. 1337x has been around since 2007, and it has grown ever since to be one of the top choices today.

In addition to 1337x providing many categories for downloads, you can get on the site in moments. The 1337x site’s proxy is tested every hour to ensure it is available. You can also find individual proxies and sites on the page based on speed and status, thus ensuring you’ll never come across a dead connection when trying to use the site.

  • You can use the separate section for applications for Windows using
  • Has a featured anime space
  • The site is easy to load

4. LimeTorrents

Stability is critical when using a torrent site. LimeTorrents is one site that provides a useful approach to downloading while ensuring you’ll stay online at all times. LimeTorrents also has a lightweight design that doesn’t take much time to load.

You can look for torrents based on hash or user statistics. You can also find them according to their seed totals, or when they were first introduced on the market. The simple arrangement of LimeTorrents makes it one of the most useful setups around.

  • The uploaders or downloaders are never logged
  • Works with many proxy setups
  • The search algorithm on the site is consistently updated

5. YTS

YTS provides many torrent downloads for your use, with an emphasis on movie downloads. You can find high-quality downloads that are easy to set up without massive file sizes. You can browse through the site to find many things of note, not to mention the site doesn’t have lots of annoying advertisements all around the place.

  • Includes old and new downloads alike
  • You can search for torrents based on the quality of the content
  • Works with many BitTorrent versions

6. TorrentZ2K

TorrentZ2K operates as a clone of the original Torrentz site. The site has a URL that is easy to access in most countries, not to mention it is the most stable option people can find today.

The site provides you the opportunity to browse torrents and to also upload any torrents you have to the directory. You can do this by designating your torrent or your search in one of many categories. These include categories for apps, games, movies, and adult products. There is also a full category devoted to anime on the site. You also have the option to find items based on language, seed, and hash totals involved.

  • Loads fast
  • Does not have lots of ads scattered around
  • No need to log into anything

7. DivxTotal

DivxTotal is a Spanish-language website that includes many downloads available for your use. The site includes English-language torrents and others in various languages. The site also includes a search engine that lets you find torrents in moments. The best part of finding things on DivxTotal is that you can find newer items in moments. These include brand new movies that are still playing in theaters as they are released on the site.

  • No log-ins necessary
  • You can find HD and 3D films on the site
  • Separate sections included for movie and television searches

8. IsoHunt

IsoHunt continues to live on as a place where you can search for torrents in a matter of moments. With IsoHunt, you can find things based on popularity, or you can use the traditional search bar. You’ll find options through various forms of entertainment, from books to television series to anime. There is also a dedicated section for adult content on the site.

  • Supports the uTorrent plugin
  • Provides full statistics on how well individual torrents are working
  • The files are arranged and packed well without taking up lots of disk space

9. Monova

The ability to find a torrent doesn’t have to be complicated, as Monova shows. Monova provides a simple approach to downloading that lets you find individual programs and content without waiting a while to load things. You can browse through the torrents or search by keyword. You also have the option to upload a torrent.

You can also sign up for an account with Monova, although that is optional. An account lets you save information on your favorite torrents and lets you track them in real-time. But you will never have to worry about your data being stored or saved by Monova, as all your actions will be kept confidential on the site for your protection.

  • The basic design works for newcomers
  • Works quickly with most BitTorrent versions
  • Also available in Russian and Italian

10. KickassTorrents

KickassTorrents continues to operate on different platform names. KickassTorrents provides a thorough listing of torrents that include points on seeders and lechers, plus you can find torrents based on how old they are. The site also includes star ratings for individual torrents to let you know which are the most trusted and which are stable. The design ensures you’ll have an easier time finding torrents without coming across anything that might not be working well.

  • Includes details on the latest searches on the site
  • You can find content based on specific trends
  • Includes a full anime section

11. Torrent Galaxy

The great part of using Torrent Galaxy is that it can help you in finding content both new and old. In addition to finding details on torrents for download, you can also get details on torrents that are available for you to load up and use. The site also includes a comment section where you can list information on specific torrents and what people are saying about them. You can use this information to figure out what is working well enough.

  • Includes a thorough listing of recommendations from the site
  • Features a fast search engine setup
  • Comes with many categories for searching purposes

12. 01torrent

The last of the options to check out is 01torrent, a site that features a good layout and helps you to find details on torrents based out of the United States and the United Kingdom. The site provides plenty of movie downloads, including ones for some of the newest films out there. 01torrent features a unique and thorough layout that lets you find out what is available for download in moments.

  • Find files based on the format
  • Includes details on the quality of individual video files
  • Does not include popup ads

12 Options For ExtraTorrent Mirror Sites in 2020

There are also plenty of ExtraTorrent mirror sites for you to see. These are sites that operate separately from the ExtraTorrent system that was originally used for so long. The key part of these mirror sites is to produce a search experience and layout similar to what you would get from the original ExtraTorrent website.

Note: The mirror sites listed here are active as of January 2020. However, they have not been endorsed by any of the people involved with the original ExtraTorrent website. Also, it is best to continue using a VPN for connections to any of these sites to facilitate your use.


You can use any of these choices when looking for an alternative to ExtraTorrent, or if you’re looking for a mirror to the original site. Whatever the case, be sure you are cautious when using any of these sites. These are all convenient, but it helps to be protective and in control of what you are doing when looking for content on these sites.


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