
Top 8 iPhone and iPad Apps for Filmmakers & Movie Production

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If you are a budding filmmaker or a newbie to the world of film making then you might be looking forward to certain apps that can assist you in recording some good quality videos or films. Filmmakers are now making more use of various iOS devices for film making. Although, the iPhone comes with inbuilt features for editing videos but they are quite a few in number. However, the App Store is fortunately loaded with many handy film making apps that can help filmmakers to capture a perfect shot. So, here we have gathered some of the best iPhone apps for filmmakers, Actors and writers that come with many professional and useful features for capturing and editing videos or films.


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Top 8 iPhone and iPad Apps for Filmmakers

1. FiLMiC Pro


FiLMic Pro is one of best app that gives your iPhone better control over frame rates, better zoom, and better options for audio recording. The user can record a video up to 50 Mbps. This app comes with many preset options similar to an ordinary DSLR camera that can be customized easily. The user can adjust the resolutions and frame rates, image stabilization, framing options, video and audio encoding levels. In the iOS 8 version of the app, the users not only get complete control over focus, exposure and white balance, but they are additionally granted with manual control over shutter speed, temperature, exposure compensation, color and ISO. This is the best iPhone app for film academies and students.

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2. Artemis Director’s viewfinder

Artemis director's viewfinder-techpanorma

Artemis is one of the most popular director’s viewfinder apps that can be easily found on any cinematographer’s and director’s mobile phones. The app provides the user with frame lines as per the size of the lens and aspect ratio entered by the user. The app functions just like a traditional director’s viewfinder but it offers several additional features and more accuracy. This app is perfect for location scouting, blocking and making storyboards. The latest version of the app i.e. version 7 comes with an improved interface and an expanded database of motion picture lens and cameras. The app is very helpful for beginners or documentary movie makers.

3. Switcher Studio

Switcher Studio-techpanorma

Switcher Studio is probably one of the best apps for young filmmakers who are at the initial stages of making a reel. It is a handy app for those filmmakers who are shooting at a low budget and require easy footage for their social media drive. The app works as a video switching tool that enables the user to synchronize up to a total of four iOS devices and switch between the inbuilt cameras of each device. This enables the user to record the final mixed video and then stream the final outcome to services like YouTube Live and Ustream.

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4. Sun Surveyor


Sun Surveyor is another handy and must have apps for filmmakers. The app predicts the position of the moon and the sun for any given place and time. Therefore, this app helps filmmakers to plan shots with the perfect shadow and also offer some other features like street view, interactive map and a 3D compass. This app thus enables the user to be informed about the climate of the shooting location in advance and thereby avoiding any climatic mishaps during the shoots.

5. Cine Meter II

This app had already offered the users with several more features than a traditional light meter in its initial stages like false color display and waveform monitor. However, Cine Meter II now offers various other exciting features to the filmmakers. The users can now adjust the ND filter compensation, shutter angle, and arbitrary filter factors. In addition, you can even make use of the front camera for taking light meter selfies and the spot meter can zoom in up to 15x. The best thing about this app is that it doesn’t need any Wi-Fi connectivity nor does it make use of your phone’s data pack.

6. Panascout Lite

Panascout Lite is a location scouting app that enables the users to capture photos of potential location accompanied by GPS data. This app also enables the user to control different crop factors and aspect ratios so that the user gets a rough idea regarding the framing of the photo. In addition, the app is equipped with sunset and sunrise indicators.

7. Shortlister

Shortlister is another iOS app for filmmakers that exactly works as its name suggests. It also offers several other exciting features like the capability to change or update the shots in real time and instantly share it with others. The storyboard images that correspond with every shot enable the users to keep a track of whether or not they are timely meeting their schedule. The flexibility of organizing shortlists by name, camera setup, scene etc is a real time saver. The crew sync feature of the app allows the user to share and collaborate on shortlists that helps in keeping everything organized during the shoots.

8. Celtex Shots

This app is developed to aid the users in making storyboards and on- set blocking. The users can make use of available icons in order to drag and drop lights, props and subjects in the scene thus making it easy to share the blocking ideas with the complete crew. Also, this app enables the user to share storyboards with others by sending stills through emails in different formats. In the last, I would say that Celtex shots is the best movie making app for iPod.

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